184 Main Street, Proserpine, QLD

Location of Proserpine Motor Lodge


Proserpine Motor Lodge Motel is conveniently located at 184 Main Street, Proserpine, QLD 4800. We are located next to the museum and across Good Year Tyres and Auto Care.

Airport is 16 minutes by car/taxi.

Convenient Location

Towns Near By 
From Brisbane CBD (1,073 kms)  12 hours
Rockhampton (456 kms 5 hours
Mackay (124 kms) 1 hour 28 mins
Bowen (68 kms 54 mins
Townsville (261 kms 3 hours 15 mins
Cairns (608 kms 7 hours 25 mins

Proserpine Motor Lodge

Driving Directions


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